Here’s a summary of the latest additions/fixes to the SurveyToGo Studio. If you wish to be upgraded to the latest SurveyToGo Studio version please contact
New Features
Survey Design: Full Auto-complete when scripting!
We are happy to announce the support for auto-complete when writing scripts. There is no need any more to remember system functions names and parameters, or even your own functions. The new auto-complete feature works everywhere where you write code including start/end scripts, expressions, rules, advanced scripts & organization library:
Also tightly integrated with the documentation:
Fieldwork Management: Support added for “locking” the options screen
Sometimes you need to prevent interviewers from accessing the options screen. This is now possible with the new locking feature. You can read more about using it here.
Survey Design: Upload multiple attachments at once
We’ve upgraded the attachments uploading mechanism to allow you to upload more than one attachment at a time along with the ability to view the progress of the upload process. You can also drag and drop files to upload:
Once you press the upload button the progress is shown:
Survey Design: Upgraded image selector for answers
Selecting an image for an answer used to be a very cumbersome process. Not anymore. We’ve upgraded the screens to show you a gallery of the available images and progressively load all of them and allow you to select from the visual gallery, and even upload a new image right from there:
GPS Tracking: ‘Show Route’ can be used to show more than one interviewer on the same map
The GPS Tracking ‘Show Route’ screen was upgraded to be able to show the route of more than one interviewer on the same mape:
Field work management: Auto back-check (return to surveyor) support
In the case you have field managers who are tasked with running back-checks on interviews of their interviewers, you can configure SurveyToGo to automatically designate interviews to be “returned to surveyor” to the field manager, so that the field manager can view them and run back checks on them. The interviews for back-checking will be chosen randomly from the pool of interviews conducted by the field manager interviewers in the last 24 hours since the last cut-off time. Read more about this feature here.
Data Export: Ability to export interviews in multiple statuses
It is now possible to export interviews of more than one status from the export wizard:
Tabulation: Ability to tabulate on Interview Status and Surveyor
We’ve upgraded the tabulation system to enable you to tabulate on the survey status field and surveyor field as well:
Survey Design: Multiple selection question export format
When exporting a multiple selection question, it is now possible to configure the question to export the variable name in the value instead of the option number by checking the box:
This will result in the data file showing the variable name as the value:
Attachment Archiving: Support archiving attachments using original file names
In the past, when archiving attachments the system would use its internal file naming convention for the names of attachments. It is now possible to tick the “Keep original file name” option during the archive process and thereby force the system to use the file name as was specified by the user:
Survey Design: Support allowing scripters to write comments when saving a survey
If you turn on the “Prompt for user comment when saving” option, every time the scripter saves the survey an option will popup to enter a description. This description will be added to the system and will show up when looking up older versions of surveys.
Auto Back-check: Support specifying which statuses to include
When using auto-backcheck, you can now specify which statuses will be included in the interviews to be considered for auto-backchecking:
You can learn more about auto-backchecking here
Data Export: Multiple selection question that were skipped
When a multiple selection question is skipped, instead of exporting the data as “not checked” you now have the option to export it as “missing value”. Check the box to turn it on per survey:
Data Export: Reviewer user name is now included in the data output file
The user name that “Approved” the interview is now available in the data output file as an optional variable:
Bug Fixes
Studio: Fixed: Changing interviewer for an interview would not write a history entry on the interview.
Quotas: Fixed: Changing interviewer for an interview would not move the quota taken to the new interviewer
When changing the quota sheet name:
It would leave the quota names to be with the older sheet name. The has been fixed.
Reports: Fixed: “On-going usage” report would auto fetch data
When opening the “on-going usage” report, the screen would automatically fetch the data. This has been fixed and now the report opens waiting for the user to click the “Get” button.
Survey Design: Fixed: Other-specify answers would not show the textbox when in multiple columns view.
Quotas: Fixed: When a survey only contains expression quotas, open the quota management screen in the expression quota setting screen
Survey Design: Fixed: Sometimes, a coding of 1.0 would be added for an answer instead of 1
Dummy Data Generator: Fixed: Could not view-data for surveys with more than 256 variables.
Data Export (Excel): Fixed: Duration field is now exported in the format DD:HH:MM:SS which includes the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds of the duration.
Survey Design: Fixed: Question preview pane would not show the Scale “middle value text”
Survey Design: Fixed: Some built-in functions were not color coded in the scripts window.
Exporting Data: Fixed: When the survey name contained a “.” Character, the survey export file name generated an error.
Emulator: Fixed: In some cases the emulator would show the same image for questions even though they are set to show other images.
Attachment Archive: Fixed: When survey contains certain characters the archive attachments process would fail.
Emulator: Fixed: When test interviews are deleted after 10 interviews, their attachments are not deleted
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A welcome upgrade! Especially the auto-complete!
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