Studio Version 1.32.637

Supported Android/PC Surveyor/CAWI Version: 581 and higher

New Features

  • Multimedia Question: There is now support for file attachments. These come in two collection types.

    • Documents - Covers file types doc, docx, pdf, txt, csv, html, xls, and xlsx:
    • Custom - You can define which file types you allow to be uploaded:
  • Surveyor User Groups: You can now rename Surveyor user groups from the properties window:
  • CAWI Grid Settings: In order to fit large CAWI grids on the webpage, there are two settings that can now be used:
    • Survey Property: A new survey property has been added, "Limit Grid Questions width to container maximum".
      • This new property is ON by default for new surveys. It limits the grid width so it does not extend past the inner background, using automatic text wrapping.
      • When this property is OFF, it allows grids to extend past the inner background.
    • Question Topics Setting: The "Allow Horizontal Scrolling" setting is now implemented on CAWI.
      • This setting is OFF by default. When off, the grid behaves in the manner set by the survey property, "Limit Grid Questions width to container maximum".
      • When this setting is ON, the grid is limited to the size of the screen and instead of text wrapping, there is a horizontal scroll bar for the table.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixing issues related to exporting all languages with empty duplicate texts.
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