Studio Version 1.32.600

Supported Android/PC Surveyor Version: 543 and higher 

New Features

Interview Data:  

  • Calculate interview total Idle time 
  • Display number of session for interview

Interview Status: New interview status called 'Partial' for CAWI In-complete interviews that were partially uploaded to the server, this status will be shown for Progress Report purposes.

CAWI Quotas:

  • Refreshing the Quotas that were captured - If the interview is terminated the quota captured will be released and available to be captured by another respondent. 
    • Refresh the quotas at Each Session Start mceclip0.png
    • Refresh the Quotas at Each Quota Question - If the respondent is 'Idle' for X hours (the survey is incomplete), the quota will be dismissed. mceclip1.png
  • Remove Must Fill Quota from UI 

CAWI Display: Support hiding the Test link 'Navigation Bar'

Bug Fixes

  • Fixing issues related to CSS/JS files not being cleared properly when clearing or replacing them.
  • Fixing issues related to Usage by period report shows CAWI interviews that were set as complete as CAPI
  • Fixing issues related to GDPR variables showing when printing an interview
  • Fixing issues related to ASCII Fixed export not removing A_/T_ from some of the question types
  • Fixing issues related to run time script error flags in interviews
  • Fixing issues related to auto-back check mechanism pulling In-Complete interviews
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