Supported Android/PC Surveyor Version: 479 and higher
New Features
Survey Design:
- Support new User Logic
- ClearWasAnsweredAllIterations(Int32 inQuesIdx)
- GetAllQuestions()
- UIMgr.HideBackButton = True/False
- SendEmail(string inProviderName, string inSubject, string inFrom, string inTo, string inCC, string inBCC, string inMessage)
- Support Bulk update of images in scale
- Support Opening the 'Advanced Scripts' using keyboard shortcut from anywhere in the survey - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A
- Subject Store - Support blocking 'Null' in columns [BREAKING CHANGE]
- Support Answer Space
- Support 'Kiosk' Mode for Dimensions imported surveys
- Support an option to set an interview as complete as soon as it is stopped
eUploadOfStoppedInterviewStatus OnUploadOfStoppedInterview();public enum eUploadOfStoppedInterviewStatus
Stopped = 0,
StoppedWithUpload = 1,
Completed = 2,
Tabulation: Show Question Text in question selection not just the variable name
Survey Export:
- Support in GetSurveyXML for answer whether the "IsHidden" is true or false.
- Additional Column when exporting aList to mark whether an attachment is Archived or not.
Organization Properties: Support Edit connectors for an organization
Bug Fixes
- Fixing issues related to SPSS does not export Russian file names
- Fixing issues related to External Tabulation does not name Scale Iterations and Nested loops properly
- Fixing issues related to Copy Project fails if no surveyors are present
- Fixing issues related to search button grayed out after one search
- Fixing issues related to android auto advance after displaying one sound attachment
- Fixing issues related to TripleS export error when Multiple Selection without answers
- Fixing issues related to Tasks view doesn't show grouped items properly
- Fixing issues related to keeping a shortcut in the task bar when upgrading.
- Fixing issues related to Upload Stopped Interviews does not upload stopped subjects that were QC flagged
- Fixing issues related to exporting translations for questions with scales that are not categorical
- Fixing issues related to Ongoing Usage Report throwing exception when there's a missing survey
- Fixing issues related to ColorPicker causes the Studio to hang when running 64bit on Windows 10
- Fixing issues related to exporting the operations console grid exports also the PII columns
- Fixing issues related to integer other spec allows to advance with text in the other spec value
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