Studio Version 1.32.459

Supported Android/PC Surveyor Version: 404 and higher 

Breaking Change

Survey Designer: Support using DVar value in 'Switch' statement 

Observation Review: Supporting to be able to select the Custom Variables text from Operations Console and copy them

Studio Designer: support setting default Survey Properties for an organization 

Survey Designer: Add warning when changing Text Color for a question and then another color change for a different section within the text creating Nested Text color. 

Export Survey Results

  • Support export to sbjx format using the automatic export command line
  • Re-arrange the order of the providers 

Bug Fixes

  • Fixing issues related to attachment source images shown, Users that want to verify if the item has an attachment will have a new "HasAttachment" member - BREAKING CHANGE
  • Fixing issues related to DummyDataGenerator does not show Multi Select questions exported as single variable
  • Fixing issues related to CAWI Participants List when user with full permissions can't create a list.
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