Studio Version 1.32.458

Supported Android/PC Surveyor Version: 403 and higher 

New Features

CAWI Designer:  Change Participants list icon when creating links

Survey Designer: Support additional answer scale advanced input modifiers (for multi-add)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixing issues related to External Tabulation allows tabulating non-tabulate questions
  • Fixing issues related uploading results issue due to multiple rows in SurveyorsInstancesSubjects.
  • Fixing issues related to external dashboard tab in low resolution display
  • Fixing issues related to bulk update of questions that do not have their subject answer initialized correctly already do not get updated on the first run
  • Fixing issues related to Export wizard fails to load previous settings if a language other than the default was previously chosen
  • Fixing issues related to Export Settings File button missing from window
  • Fixing issues related to DummyDataGenerator does not write BucketSubjects + Handles Temp File incorrectly
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