How to Retrieve Lost Attachments


In some scenarios the attachments collected during interviews are missing from the survey and the interview that it was collected in. In many cases they are not lost but were captured yet there were issues with associating them to the corresponding interview. SurveyToGo has a mechanism that allows you to access those attachments and reconnect them to the relevant interviews.

This guide will show you how to

Step1 - Restore those lost attachments from the device

Step2 - Identify the SubjectID related to the attachment

Step3 - Add the attachment to the relevant SubjectID


Step 1 - Restore the Lost Attachments from the Device

1. On the device navigate to Option - Admin

2. Click on 'Lost Attachments'

3. In it you’ll see a list of all the “lost” attachments: These are files that are located in our app’s data folder of attachments, but for some reason are not “indexed” in our database (i.e, not attached to any subject).

4. Check the relevant items (there’s also menu option for check/un-check all)

Please note: Long press on the attachment you will be able to view/listen to it


5. Click on 'Email Selected' to email the attachments

6. Choose the program you would like to use to email the attachments

Step 2 - Identifying the SubjectID related to the attachment

In the lost attachments screen you will be able to see the 'DeviceIndex' that this attachment is related to. In order to identify the relevant SubjectID to add this attachment to please follow these steps.

1. Open the operations console with the relevant survey.

2. Add a column called 'Global Index' to the view columns and click on 'Get' 

3. Click on the Filter button in the 'Global Index' - Available Filters - Contains 

4. Enter the Device Index you would like to search for and click OK - this line will be filtered and shown

5. As you can see for DeviceIndex D1375056-12 the relevant Subject ID is 39086176

6. Follow steps 3-5 for all the lost attachments.

Please note: SurveyToGo enables you to control the attachment name through the script which can assist you in identifying the relevant subjectID when the DeviceIndex is empty, please click here to learn how - 

Step 3 - Attach the attachment to the relevant Subject ID

Once you have received the attachments via email save them to a folder on your computer and follow these steps:

1. Open the Operations Console

2. Search for the subject ID (identified in Step 2, sub step 5)

3. Once found double click on the subject to open it and navigate to the 'Attachments' Tab 

Please note: The subject should be in a editable status if it's in 'Read Only' status ('Approved') change the status to 'In Progress (Office)'

4. Click on 'Add Attachments' 

5. In the following screen at the end of the 'Path' field click on the ... to open and choose the file to attach. Once you find the file click on 'Open'

6. Check the name and Click on 'Attach'

7. The Attachment is now attached to the subject click 'OK' and you can change the status to 'Approve' if needed.


That's It! 

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  • Hello! how can i Retrive lost attachments in Iphone or STG (beta playstore)?

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