Android Version 1.32.234

The new version is available to all our customers at no cost. You are welcome to request an upgrade of your Studio version if you wish to take advantage of these productive feature.

New Features

Custom Question Rendering Packages (CQRP): Margins are now smaller when rendering the CQRP on the Android device


SurveyLogic: Function GetAnswerChoiceIdx() is now not case sensitive


In the past when using the function GetAnswerChoiceIdx() it was case sensitive. We changed the behavior and now it is case insensitive for easier use.


SurveyToGo Activity interface: Added the interview as a return value to the StartSurvey function


We’ve upgraded the activity interface of SurveyToGo – you can read more about this capability here: . The new upgrade is the ability to receive the interview ID after running StartSurvey and then be able to call StartSurvey again with this ID to allow editing of the interview.

Bug Fixes

Survey Logic: Fixed: General Jump Rules report incorrect CurrQues when run before a chapter


Survey Logic: Fixed: GPSSetAnswer() does not remove Null Answer flag


Survey Data: Fixed: In a DateTime question that is set on "Time only", if you enter the time through the keyboard keys, when you proceed and later go back to the question again, the time you entered is not shown but instead a different time is shown.


Survey Engine: Fixed: Using certain survey logic on Android 2.2 devices would generate an exception and not allow to complete the logic process. This was now fixed.


CQRP: Fixed: URLs used to be case sensitive. This has been fixed and now the URLs are case insensitive.


Survey Engine: Fixed: Issue with AddExternalListAnswer() function on Android. This was now fixed.


Survey Engine: Fixed: Multimedia memory usage was optimized.


Survey Engine: Fixed: Devices with Front Facing camera cannot record video. This was now fixed.


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