Here’s a summary of the latest additions/fixes to the SurveyToGo Android App. If you wish to be upgraded to the latest SurveyToGo Android App version please
New Features
Android App: Built-in support added for Indian fonts on android
SurveyToGo for Android now natively supports all the different Indian fonts on the Android. Just make sure on the SurveyToGo Studio to mark the “Use custom font” in the language settings for the Indian fonts:
Android App: Added support for “Topic Inline” for open-ended grids
It is now possible to use “Topic inline” mode of open ended grid with Android. Once you check this box on the SurveyToGo Studio the open ended grid will display the textboxes inline with the topic text:
Android App: Open ended questions do not accept space as answers
It is now not possible anymore to not fill an open ended question (or grid) by simply putting in spaces instead of text. Spaces will now not be considered as valid answers.
Android App: Maximum attachment file size is now 15MB instead of 2MB
We are happy to announce that we have lifted the 2MB per file attachment limit for accounts without a storage upgrade. It is now possible for every account, upgraded or not, to upload up to 15MB attachments.
Android App: The SID is now shown on the options screen
The SID is a unique identifier that uniquely identifies a user/device combination. Each user working on a device gets a unique SID identifier which is later also visible later in the data output file (as the SID variable) and in the operations console as well:
Android App: New function to change the interviewer instruction dynamically
In the past the interviewer instruction text was a static text that was not changeable from within the survey scripts. This was now changed and the interviewer instruction can now be controlled from script as well using the “SetInstructionsText()” and the “SetInstructionsTextFormat()” functions:
Set the instruction through script code (static text can still be set through the regular textbox that controls the interviewer instruction):
Dynamic text shown on the device:
Bug Fixes
Android App: Fixed: OnGetAttachmentName() did not add the default extension for the attachment name
When using the OnGetAttachmentName() callback (click here to see how to use it), the engine would not add the default file extension to the file name created. This has been fixed.
Android App: Fixed: Rare case of duplicate uploads of attachments for interviews
In some unique cases there was the possibility of the Android uploading a duplicate of an attachment that was already uploaded. This has been fixed.
Android App: Fixed: Arabic regional settings would sometime cause interviews not to upload.
In some cases when using the Arabic locale, interviews would fail to upload. This has been fixed.
Android App: Fixed: When manually setting an interview as complete it wouldn’t show on the 3-weeks history view.
When manually setting an interview to complete on the device, that interview will not show up on the “3-weeks history” view on the device. This has been fixed.
Android App: Fixed: In “Ranked scale” question without start/end images, the gradient color was not visible on the first and last part.
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