SurveyToGo Basic Scripting Quick Training


This video series is composed out of 7 episodes each less than 10 minutes and is supposed to get you quickly up & running with scripting surveys using SurveyToGo. It is not an in-depth tutorial but rather a quick getting started guide. We simply dive right in and start scripting a real-life demo questionnaire with some very common scripting challenges like Piping, Filtering, Looping, LSM etc.


Each episode covers a  different section of the questionnaire and we recommend watching the episodes in sequence to make the most out of the episodes. Each episode also has a downloadable ZIP file with the questionnaire document and the script SRV file so you can load the script to your organization and practice along.

Here is more information on how to import a script SRV file into your organization account:


Basic Training Video Episodes Viewing Experience

While all the videos can be viewed directly from this page, for best viewing experience, we recommend heading over to the Youtube link and switching to full 720HD resolution and switching to Full screen mode. We've included next to each video the direct link to Youtube so you can use the link to both view and share the episodes. Here are the direct Youtube links for all the episodes:

SurveyToGo Basic Scripting Training - Episode #1

Direct Youtube link (for full screen):
Episode material download link:


SurveyToGo Basic Scripting Training - Episode #2 - Screener

Direct Youtube link (for full screen):
Episode material download link:


SurveyToGo Basic Scripting Training - Episode #3 - LSM

Direct Youtube link (for full screen):
Episode material download link:


SurveyToGo Basic Scripting Training - Episode #4 - Scales & Filtering

Direct Youtube link (for full screen):

SurveyToGo Basic Scripting Training - Episode #5 - Loop

Direct Youtube link (for full screen):
Episode material download link:

SurveyToGo Basic Scripting Training - Episode #6 - Negative/Combined filters & piping

Direct Youtube link (for full screen):
Episode material download link:

SurveyToGo Basic Scripting Training - Episode #7 - Wrap up + Deploying to Android (Bluestacks)

Direct Youtube link (for full screen):
Episode material download link: No material for this episode

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