Studio Version 1.32.275


Here’s a summary of the latest  SurveyToGo Studio Version. The new version is available to all our customers at no cost. You are welcome to request an upgrade of your Studio version if you wish to take advantage of these productive feature.If you wish to be upgraded please contact:

Supported Android/PC Surveyor Version: 235 and higher

New Features

Project Management: Project Overview Module added!

We are proud to introduce the Project Management module that was now added to SurveyToGo, the first part of our collaboration tools suite we are rolling out. The new Project Overview module allows you to specify the key due dates and responsibilities for your fieldwork projects and everything is shown both on a project-calendar and on a project-Gantt chart:

Project overview node will open up the project management module for this specific project:

The top bar shows the stages for this project, the current stage and any overdue stages:


The Gantt chart will show you the project stages for clear understand:

In addition, a global overview of all the running projects has been added for convenient overview of ALL your running projects:

This brings up the report screen which shows you all the running projects and at which stage they are at:

In case you which to filter out and show only projects that are in an overdue state, turn on the “Overdue” toggle button:


User Management: Email field & invitations

It is now possible to add the email address of a Studio / Interviewer user when adding the user to the system. When adding the email, by default the system will send an automated invitation email to the user with instructions on how to download the SurveyToGo Studio or the Android app:

This will then result in an email from the system:

Forgot password works for all users with email

Any SurveyToGo Studio user that has his email configured, can now click the “Forgot Password” link to reset and configure a new password:


It will now send an email with password reset instructions and allow you to change your password.


Survey Rendering: Support for Compound Grids

We’ve now added the ability to create compound grids, meaning a loop of X questions which is shown as a grid instead of looping over the questions one by one. For example, you can display all the questions of an iteration as a grid. For example the following loop of 3 questions:



On the Loops tab we’ve added the new “Render as grid”:

Which will then render the loop as a grid with each question being a column and each row being a loop iteration:

Dashboards KPI: Added Organization-wide Dashboard node

Up until today the Dashboards and fieldwork reports nodes worked on project-level. We’ve expanded the dashboards capabilities to work on the entire organization as well. A new Dashboards node was added to the main management tree:


Email Notifications: Fully customize who gets notified for what

We’ve now added the ability to configure which user(s) will be email notified for which events of the system. The new screen is under the My SurveyToGo Account node:


Now you can add the relevant users to receive the email notifications. We’ve made a separation between interview/storage space balance notifications and invoices/purchase notifications:

Invitations: Invite colleagues to use SurveyToGo with one easy step!

Starting today you do not need to go through the entire user creation process to get a colleague added to SurveyToGo. Simply click the “Tools > Invite colleague” option:


Then simply fill in your colleague name and details and SurveyToGo will create the user and send an invitation email for your colleague to set their own password:

Review Screen: Ability to edit the “Name” field

It is now possible to edit the “Name” field in the review screen if the user has “write” permissions:

Dashboards KPI: Ability to export to Excel

The Dashboard KPIs supports exporting the KPI report to HTML and now we’ve also added the ability to export the data to Excel as well:

External App integration Interface: Support for output parameters

It is now possible to pass parameters from the survey engine back to the external app calling the SurveyToGo Android app integration API. Refer here for more information:

Survey Logic: Support added for querying the device Battery Level

We’ve added the ability for the scripter to query the battery level of the device. To use this feature call the: DeviceMgr.BatteryLevel function and it will return the current battery level. Here is an example of a script that uses the battery level readout:

GPS Tracking Latest Locations: Reducing the screen load time

We’ve managed to dramatically increase the speed of loading the dropdown box of the users which increases the load time of the screen.

Operations Console: Added the Battery Level field to each interview

SurveyToGo will now capture the Battery Level of the device upon starting the interview and this field will become a variable name which you can then see in the Operations Console and when exporting the data output file:

In case the Battery Level is not showing on your grid, simply click the “Edit my columns” link, scroll to the end and check the “Battery Level” field:

Excel 2007 Exporter: Was renamed to “Excel” and is now the default excel exporter

In past versions there existed both an Excel exporter and Excel 2007 exporter. This was a necessity as the older versions of Excel had limitations with regards to number of columns. As today almost all users use the newer Excel versions we renamed Excel 2007 to Excel and removed the older Excel exporter.

CSV Exporter: Added the CSV exporter

SurveyToGo now supports natively exporting to CSV. The CSV provider is now an option during the export wizard:

Survey Designer:
The questions-tree will now show the variable name next to the question

The Survey Designer will now show by default the variable name of the question next to the question in the tree for easier identification of questions:

Fieldwork reports: DeviceIMEI was added as a field to the fieldwork reports

The DeviceIMEI that is saved for each interview is now present when running Fieldwork Reports


Major Bug Fixes

  • Login Screen: Fixed: Proxy Settings on the login screen would sometimes remain disabled. This was fixed.
  • Dimensions Export: Fixed: When surveyor name contains the character: ‘ it would cause the Dimensions export process to fail.
  • Logic Functions: Fixed: SetQuestionAnswerScale - When an exisiting answer is moved in a scale to a different index, its values will be the value of the previous answer in that index.
  • Login Screen: Fixed: In some cases images that were removed would still show up. This was fixed.
  • Login Screen: Fixed: When changing the Variable name of “other specify” answer in 'edit question variables' the answer variable name is changed but not the “other specify” one. This was fixed.
  • Survey Scripting: Fixed: When the default variable format for topics/answer is using the internal ID you cannot add a new topic. This was now fixed.
  • Operations Console: Fixed: Exception thrown if opening an interview that you do not have the permissions to download its attachments. This was fixed.
  • Survey Design: Fixed: In Edit-questions-variables screen, only the "regular" other specify variable is shown, not the "per answer one". This was fixed.
  • Excel Export: Fixed: Export to Excel when there is more than one file to a folder with a “.” In the folder name caused exception. This has been fixed.
  • Dimensions Export: Fixed: In some cases the Dimensions API created a misconfigured category ID’s. Dooblo found a workaround and this scenario will now not happen.


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