The new version is available to all our customers at no cost.
New Features
- Properly support device orientation changes on Android (device rotation).
- Support for Geoguidance features.
- Implementing Missing Kiosk Settings:
> Do Not Allow User To Cancel - Cancel menu will only come up after inserting password (the pass is written in the Kiosk section).
> Hide Survey Name and GPS Indicator - GPS only relevant to older Android versions.
> Do Not Show Num Of Question (in navigation control).
- Properly support Assigned Subjects.
Bug Fixes
- Fixied issues related to Changing system font sizes so the text is partially hidden.
- Fixied issues related to Device orientation change.
- Fixied issues related to Multi Select Text Highlighting.
- Fixied issues related to Support UL FontScale.
- Fixied issues related to API Calls protection.
- Fixied issues related to active Activity.
- Fixied issues related to Changing HideBackButton.
- Fixied issues related to ANR while changing pages.
- Fixied issues related to External List.
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