The new version is available to all our customers at no cost.
Supported Android/PC Surveyor Version: 362 and higher
New Features
Quality Control: Support alert mechanism for script errors in survey - when a script error will be found a flag will be checked.
Survey Designer: Multimedia Question support for silent recording duration by seconds
Survey Designer: Support GetOriginalText() working with specific languages, function supports 3 overloads.
Operations Console:
- Status Update - Subject will not be able to be returned to surveyor if it is Filtered.
- Interview Reviewer - Add a visual flag next to Net Duration when there is more than 8 min. difference from Total Duration.
Export Mechanism:
- Results:
- Support 'Export Filter Expression' - During the export wizard you will be able to enter expressions that will only include the data that meets the expression and filter the results.
- Supporting question timestamp variable when exporting to Excel & SPSS.
- Export the order of the answers consistently regardless of display order.
- Attachments: Supporting the attachment size when exporting the Attachment list.
Audit Report - Audit action screen support wider actions list to fit all texts.
Minor Bug Fixes
- Fixing issues related to export of values with decimal point to access when system settings are not using '.'
- Fixing issues related table render mode in 'Rating Question'.
- Fixing issues related to Answer Comments in Single Choice Questions are not cleared between questions.
- Fixing issues with Quota Sheet Editor throwing an exception when entering empty target.
- Fixing typo issues in Permissions.
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