Studio Version 1.32.351

The new version is available to all our customers at no cost. You are welcome to request an upgrade of your Studio version if you wish to take advantage of these productive feature.If you wish to be upgraded please contact:

Supported Android/PC Surveyor Version: 318 and higher

New Features 

Operations Console: Tool for fixing corrupt recordings

Now you can fix attachments that were uploaded as corrupt from the device: Navigate to 'Attachments' Tab when the system will find a corrupt file you will see on the bottom underneath the attachment window an option - 'File might be corrupted. Click on it to try and fix the corrupt attachment.

Survey Designer: Search by AttachmentSource/List Source 

The search will now include also searching for a 'List Source' 'Attachment Source' under the 'Survey' option. This will show the user the questions that are connected to the external sources.

Dimensions Export: Option to export the 'Other Specify' in Legacy Mode

In a previous version we have enhanced the way we export the 'Other Specify' when exporting to Dimension, this option will allow you to export using 'Legacy Mode' 

UserLogic: added user logic SetQuestionFontScale,  SetAnswerFontScale, SetTiopicFontScale

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixes for group Edit.
  • Additional error messages when changes to Tasks are not saved
  • Issues with white rows in operations console
  • Issues with Response Viewer.
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